


may and JUNE 2010


 22nd MAY  from 11.00:  LINEN WEAVING by Marion Baur from The Flax Mill in Dungiven alongside HAND-SPINNING by Ceceilia Manson
(Spring wool from her own sheep) of Castlederg.

 29th MAY  from 11.00: 
BLACK-SMITHING and FORGING (in Murdock’s Yard off Verner StreetalongsideSt George’sMarket) by Colin Dawson from Patterson’s Spade Mill in Templepatrick .

  5th JUNE  from 11.00 in St George’s Market : 

BASKET-WEAVING by Bob Johnston  - the resident basket-maker in Cultra Folk Museum.  

 12th JUNE  from 11.00  in St George’s Market : 

URBAN BEE-KEEPING with Mid-Antrim Bee-Keepers. (sponsored by the Co-operative Group as part of their nation-wide Plan Bee campaign)

 19th JUNE  

Urban Gardening demonstration presented by Phillip Allen, a local permaculturalist assisted by Miriam Turley of the Eglantine Community Garden. Phillip will demonstrate how to garden on a budget and highlight how many of our own street names have plant origins.

 26th JUNE  

Pot-throwing by our own market potter, Wenda Campbell
How to spit a pig by our own market trader.

 27th JUNE  

Demonstrations of knitting, crochet, patchwork quilting and other thread and textile skills by the long-term practitioners from Cultra Folk Museum.
A demonstration of Victorian Economy Cooking from the chef in St George’s Bar and Grill.

pictures from Grandmothers day
which was on April 24th 2010           



picture of Colin Dawson , Blacksmith
Moochin Photoman
May 29th 2010
 in Murdock's Yard , next to the market
 on one of the Traditional Skills Days

Colin Dawson from Patterson's Spade Mill

more pictures to follow...

st georges market Belfast city crest








All our golden yesterdays - back in the heart of Belfast!

Ever wondered how you can harvest your own honey in the city? Or how  to weave your own basket? And what about spinning your own wool or making your own ram’s head poker? Come along and meet a community of artisans & craftspeople in St Georges Market on market days.

There you will come face to face with bee keepers, weavers, spinners, bakers, basket-makers and blacksmiths and what about learning from the experts on how to prepare food, fish and meat in age-old traditional ways?

 The bees will not be the only ones buzzin’- see a weaver create linen before your very eyes – and get the heart –warming delicious smell of fresh soda farls and potato bread made in the old traditional ways.

Then there is the historical tour around St Georges Market itself. Learn all about how it was built and all the people who have made a living in it over th years and the many famous people who have passed through it. Find out why our ancestors thronged thick and fast to attend the weekly jamboree that the life of the market offered. They too had to count the pennies as they went hunting for bargains. Some traders trekked for miles from the surrounding countryside from early morning to ensure they had a good pitch for their stalls or carts.


    Come back in time with us for an experience you won’t forget – on each and every market day